american lit

Sunday, December 03, 2006

week 14

November 28


  • William Wilson by Edgar Allen Poe
  • Humbert Humbert was not HH's real name, Nabokov just chose it because it is gross
  • the main coincidences:

1. 342:

  • they stayed at this many hotels
  • room number at the Enchanted Hunters Hotel
  • the house number they lived at with Charlotte

2. 'Hunted Enchanters'

  • the name of the hotel they stayed at when HH first had his way with Lolita
  • the play that Cue wrote about Lolita

  • MURDER MOST FOUL: thought he was going to kill Lolita, then thought he was going to kill Charlotte, but really killed Quilty, the nephew of the town dentist
  • drom= dromedary= camel
  • Quilty used to date Charlotte
  • both Quilty and HH were born in 1911 (we think)
  • he wrote plays about Lolita called: "The Little Nymph," and "The Lady Who Loved Lightening"
  • VN always hid himself in the books he wrote, like these people who do it too:

M. Night Shyamalon



Steven King


Quentin Tarantino

  • all of these people were 'puppetmasters' who included themselves in their works to immortalize themselves
  • in music that has no words, it is all about the music
  • it can 'carry you away' because you can go wherever you want to go
  • and after you listen to it and enjoy it, you realize that you were enjoying something that didn't mean anything, like Lolita
  • it can be argued that Lolita isn't about anything, it has no meaning at all
  • 'the smartest people in the world spend their time with art' because there isn't much time at all, so don't waste it
  • there are 1,642,500 minutes in a lifetime if you live 75 years, that isn't very many minutes!
  • "Art for art's sake is the best thing that a human can do" ~Walter Pater
  • Oscar Wilde was a homosexual, who was accused of sodomy and died in prison! (I didn't know that!!)
  • Whistler's Mother was a famous painting by James Whistler
  • everyone believed that it was about his mother but it was really a study of black and white, shades, and light
  • the only academic thing to study is metamorphosis


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