american lit

Sunday, October 22, 2006

week 8

October 17 and 19

The Bear, by William Faulkner
  • a good hunting story
  • he is famous for long, meandering sentences
  • Boon: one of his greatest characters

'Ode on the Grecian Urn' by John Keats

  • about truth, not girls
  • work of art inspired by a boy chasing a girl
  • they are frozen in time, he will always chase her
  • there is only one truth
  • pride, honor, courage, and humility are all real
  • "beauty is truth, and truth is beauty"

Important images from "Dead Man" and "The New World"

  • the land mirroring the sky
  • this is the only simile in the bible: Exodus 24:10:

" Under his feet was something like pavement made of sapphire, clear as the sky itself"


  • they enter the world of the dead on train #29
  • fawn killed (innocent) by old and corrupt
  • William Blake lays down with it and gets it's blood on him- he understands how the old world works
  • they get shot through the heart while they are having a lovers quarrel
  • The Indian knows more than WB because he was abducted and was taught about Homer and poetry
  • based on the life of the poet William Blake
  • All about the Native Americans and the relationship between them- discovered the vision and the intelligence of them
  • he is an accountant from Cleveland: he goes through a metamorphosis, an initiation

Important people for test:

2 great prose writers:

  1. Ernest Hemingway: simple, direct, economical dialect
  • paratactic: lots of things held together with the word 'and, like deep focus
  • like the New Testament writing styles

2. William Faulkner: long sentences with a specific rhythm

  • like the Old Testament writing styles

'energy is eternal delight' ~William Blake

Motive for Metaphor:

  • Ulysses (Odysseus) and Penelope: a woman waiting for her husband
  • 'Was is Ulysses? or just the warmth of the sun on her pillow?'
  • Men rising up to the zenith, then going back down again
  • William Blake and Wallace Stevens are alike: "if the doors of perception were cleansed, then everything appears the way it really is"
  • Aldous Huxley "The Doors of Perception"

ontology: the study of being

Primal: 'Bear, Man, and God'

  1. separation of the neophyte from his family
  2. retreat into the forest (zone of unfarmiliarity), symbolizes death
  3. need to experience death- beyond the shade
  4. wild animal conducts them in what they need to do- swallowed by a creature ex) Jonah, Pinocchio, 'Invisible Man' in the basement

men's 'rights of passage are public, women's are not:

  • patriotical society
  • men aren't supposed to know
  • women are mysterious

'Poetry is a destructive force'


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