american lit

Sunday, October 22, 2006

week 6

October 3 and 5


~poetry is the subject of the poem


  • is a romantic:
  1. venerates nature:
  2. god- like powers of a poet
  3. secular humanists
  • metaphor poem and Autumn
  • 'She was the maker'
  • 'the great' with the power to create
  • in the absence of God, we have ourselves
  • central concern is with the interplay between reality and imagination:
  1. Right and North: symbols are directional (cold, ice, snow, in the N)
  2. Up and down: West= spring, East= Autumn seasonal poems-> winter, summer, Autumn and spring
  3. Imagination is in the south: color- blue= imagination, tropical flowers and animals
  4. Metaphor: poetry is the subject always!
  5. east and west: not quite it's self but metaphors for something else
  6. Spring is ambiguous, you don't have to be quite yourself.
  7. the blackbird is an illusion to reality because it's always there

ALL OF THIS LEADS TO: 'Poetry is the subject of the poem'


  1. The four Disney characters that Deborah gave us? (beast, prince charming, satyr, etc.)
  2. What tactic do women use to abduct men?
  3. What kind of power does D.M. use to control her men?
  4. What is the name of Mote's church?
  5. What are the lion, the scarecrow, and the tinman looking for?
  6. What the new Jesus?
  7. What is the difference between the imaginative and imaginary?
  8. What did L. Frank Baum think he was doing when he directed the W of O?
  9. Understand all of the evolutionary forms? man to beast
  10. What is 'rosebud' physically?
  11. Citizen Kane uses what film technique to place equal focus on the foreground and background?
  12. Daisy Miller is shown as a symbol for what country?
  13. Who is 'the master'?
  14. Daisy Miller's little brother can be seen as what figure?
  15. Doppleganger
  16. Memorize the 'Idea of Order'
  17. What was the name given to Charles Kane's estate in Citizen Kane?
  18. Give 3 specifics of what makes a road movie with examples
  19. Imagination is forever trying to find meaning and if the imagination wants to find a connection, it will
  20. What is a mater dolorosa?
  21. How do the characters of "Mules and Men" and 'Idea of Order' visualize time?
  22. What are the three levels of the pyramid?
  23. What does DM die from on the journalistic level?
  24. Who is Patty Hearst's Grandfather?
  25. Where does Hazel buy his car?
  26. Whose the only character in WB who is a 'true believer'?
  27. If you were a myth called 'southern gothic' which text would you be embodied by?
  28. What is a disturbing WIKI fact about L. Frank Baum?
  29. What is the meaning of theosophy?
  30. Theme of indifference in WB?
  31. Name 3 places Haze is found?
  32. What is the chance of a coincidence?
  33. 'The man with the blue guitar' stanza 22?
  34. The 'man with the blue guitar' is based on which Picazo painting?


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