american lit

Monday, October 23, 2006

Dead Man

Although this movie seemed random and pointless at first view, it is amazingly full of interesting parallels and information. From the moment Bill Blake got on the train he began an amazing journey in the land of the dead. In this land many things that he didn't understand happened, and the viewer truly found out how naive he was. When he met Nobody, he had been shot by an estranged lover and was badly wounded. As he came in and out of consciousness he heard bits and pieces of what seemed to be the ramblings of a crazy man. But in fact Nobody was a brilliant scholar who helped enlighten Bill to the truth, that he was William Blake. Whether he was truly William Blake in his 'alive life' or not, by the end of the movie he had become him. This was very interesting because Bill said that he was not William at all, but after the transformation was complete, he spouted his poetry and proclaimed that that was who he was. By the end of this movie, when William Blake rubbed the dead fawns blood into his own injury it is clear that something had changed him. It is almost like he experienced an epiphany that molded him into the man he needed to be to finish his journey, whatever that may be.


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